Tuesday, November 3, 2009

For EMD and Those Who Create

In progess Detail

“It doesn’t have to exist,” but it does because it’s in you and you exist.
When the inspiration comes to be it wont be ignored. It finds its way into your head by a simple thought or a vision that expands into your heart and escapes through your hands…and then everyone knows. Your invisible idea becomes tangible. It becomes real. It can be seen. It’s out there to be acknowledged and criticized. It is you being vulnerable to a stranger and even an enemy.
“You don’t have to put all of that work into it” but you do because you are driven maybe even pulled by this force. Like nature, it will not be stopped. It is your steadfast calling that was decided long ago. It is your passion. It occupies your thoughts like an obsession, or a past love. It won’t dwell in you for long. It has to be in this world. You will not rest until it’s finally where it should be, on canvas or paper. Blessings considered and curse accepted to possess a gift that must be shared. There is no other way for you to live.